I've written before that I've found a connection to music more since my separation/divorce/singlemommyhood/dating times than ever before in my life. I've appreciated lyrics and found solace in words. I've connected with pain, hope, healing, and happiness more through songs. Sometimes, I lie in bed and listen to songs in the dark. I've wiped my tears while hitting replay on the same song for the third time. I've cranked up a song to cheer me up and jump around the room a bit.
So, while this is not a full list by any means, I thought I would give you an idea of some of the songs I've turned to for various reasons. Please feel free to comment and give me more!
When there is still hope of a reconciliation and hope to repair--Call and Answer by Barenaked Ladies
When the heart is newly broken and heartache is everything--Break Even by The Script
When the idea of the person you love possibly being with someone else hurts more than imaginable--White Blank Page by Mumford & Sons
When you just plain hurt--Everybody Hurts by REM
When you hurt but you need to remember it will get better--Better in Time by Leona Lewis
When you want the other (and yourself!) to know you'll be just fine on your own--Rolling in the Deep by Adele
When it's time to let the other person go and move on--Starting Now by Ingrid Michaelson
When the idea of love seems wrong and something you want to avoid to protect yourself--Bruised by Ben Folds
When its just time to dance and feel good--Rock and Roll by Eric Hutchinson
When you need to remember it always gets better in life--Keep Your Head Up by Andy Grammer
When you are cautiously approaching new love--Glass by Thompson Square
When you're feeling good about how far you've come and becoming independent and confident--Dog Days Are Over by Florence and the Machine
When you're feeling optimistic about love and the future--Question by the Old 97s
When you know you've got something really great in new love--Follow Through by Gavin Degraw
When it's time to admit you're so far gone in love and want this person forever--Fine by Me by Andy Grammer
When you're happy, lucky in love and the second chance at happiness--The Luckiest by Ben Folds (our song)
Not quite a song with words but:
Beethoven--Piano Sonata No. 7 2nd movement--Largo e mesto. Somewhat tragically beautiful tinged with spritzes of hope.
Well I hope your last couple songs are the ones you'll hit play most often these days, unless I missed an announcement that MM is no longer. You deserve to be happy and I admire you for the strength you've shown thus far.
When your heart is broken - two songs by Anna Nalick... Breathe and Wreck of the Day. Something about her voice is so soothing.
When you are angry and want to sing LOUDLY and VIOLENTLY.... Who Knew? by Pink.
When you are moving on - New Way Home by KT Oslin.
When you are just plain happy, how can you not love I'm Yours by Jason Mratz? I bet I have sang this song 150 times this year.
And how many times have you played the last 2 songs? :-) I have no words to tell you how happy I am for you. As a second-time-around-er myself, when you find it, it's all you will ever, ever need. Be happy Jenny!
I don't really know you, but I am so happy you're happy! :)
When you want the other person to know exactly how strong you are AND you are doing just fine -- What Doesn't Kill You by Kelly Clarkson.
You are an amazing inspiration!
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