Friday, April 12, 2013

The Old Lady

Phew, glad I got that off my chest.  Thanks for all the great comments!  You know, I get excited when I see a particular name on my e-mail because after this long, I do feel like I know many of the people who comment.  So, thank you.  You're sweet and I appreciate your words. 

On to an important topic--my old girl, Brandy.  Nicknames include BB (most popular), B, Beebles, Branny, and most recently, Old Lady. 

This week, we celebrated Brandy's 12th birthday.  My first baby has gotten so old! She came home with us when she was only five weeks old and she's been my love ever since.  Brandy drives me crazy at times with her ridiculous habits of getting into the trash, eating paper towels and toilet paper, and stealing all socks, clean or dirty, to carry throughout the house. I wouldn't trade it for the world though.  This dog has been my constant companion and not a day goes by that I don't at least give her a little loving and attention.

I wouldn't necessarily say she adores my children, but I think she loves them.  She definitely puts up with a lot from them....

She gets benefits too.  I can't tell you how many bits of food have made it into her mouth thanks to hoarding over the little ones.

In truth, B is MY dog.  She loves the children.  She loves MM and loves when we have visitors, but that girl will step over just about anyone to get to her Mama.  She's been through it all with me--birth of all my children, Allie's death, career changes, changes in friendships, divorce.  She loves me unconditionally, as I do her.  Stinky breathe and all. 

Who she doesn't love?  This guy

This is Bandit.  He is technically Military Man's puppy, but lives at my house most of the time.  This week, MM has been gone for work and was gone last weekend for National Guard drill. You get the point. So, Bandit chills with us A LOT.  B is not a fan.  Not even a little bit.  Poor old girl is so used to being a one dog family and does not appreciate this attention loving ball of energy stealing attention and jumping on her.  She puts him in his place.  Often.  That pic is actually old.  He's bigger now, close to about 30 lbs. 

Happiest of birthdays to my favorite four legged friend.  I'm grateful for my years of companionship and friendship she has given me and hope to have more time together.  I love you, B!!


One crazed mommy said...

Sweet Brandy - Happy Birthday girl! I know I've posted in the past that when I met my hubby he had a golden named Brandon. That was the sweetest dog EVER, and he loved all things, but noone ever came anywhere close to his daddy!!! He used to sleep in the bed between us and there were many times he would lean back against hubby and try to push me off the bed...haha! :) We also had many cats - and he was very tolerant of them, and just as tolerant of the kids when they came along as well. Like Brandy, he didn't adore them...but he definitely loved them. :) She reminds me sooooo much of Brandon - he's been gone a few years now, but we still talk about him all the time because he was so special. Love them goldens!!!

jessicab said...
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jessicab said...

Happy birthday Brandy! My birthday is today, but I'm a 'little' older than you! ;-)

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Brandy!!

I can't believe how much she has aged over the years. I remember old posts from years ago about her antics, her surgery, and those pictures. Sort of reminds me of the "old man" dog from the movie homeward bound. You know the strong smart one who knew all the right things to do and "say".

LO said...

Happy Birthday, sweet girl! My favorite Brandy story is from your pregnancy with Katie, when she would lie next to you and put her head on your stomach. Dogs are the best.

Kelly said...

Awww....Sweet dog. We lost our doggy Oscar the day after Christmas and it was ROUGH. I wish I had more pictures of him with my kids and me. Cherish your moments with Brandy!!

Courtney said...

Stephanie, that dog from Homeward Bound was named Shadow...and my half Golden half something else was named Shadow and we got his name from that movie, lol. Goldens are the BEST dogs! He passed last year and it was so rough!! Jenny, enjoy your sweet girl!

Love Mommas said...

Thank you for indulging my last comment and giving us Brandy news :)
Can't believe that sweet gal is 12! Happy Birthday Beautiful Brandy!!

Michelle said...

Awwww! The time just flies, doesn't it? My first baby, Spike (a Yorkie) turned 11 on June 1 this year. He passed away on Thursday, June 20. I am beside myself with grief right now. So I figured I'd look for your blog to help cheer me up. Enjoy your time with Brandy. You just never know when it will end. :-(