Friday, June 12, 2015

Partner in Life

My husband was out of town for two weeks.  I'm used to him having to be gone from time to time, but it is always a little challenging.  I miss him desperately, especially when all we can do is text from time to time in the day.  Mornings are more hectic without his calm guidance of the children, packing of school lunches, and kisses goodbye as he stands at the backdoor to shuffle us out.  Nights are not as good without his cooking (he cooks way better than me!), help with nighttime prayers/bedtime for the girls, and sitting up talking when the kids are *finally* in bed. 

I was a single mom for three years and managed just fine (note--slightly frazzled, a little exhausted, always broke) on my own.  After a year and a half of marriage, I've adjusted to having this partner in my life--best friend, husband, and love.  *Pinch me! 

Thing is, while he was gone, the kids and I did just fine.  Sure, mornings were hectic and we were tardy once.  (Ok, twice--it was the second to last day of school and she forgot her school yearbook for the signing party) We may have had macaroni and cheese once or twice because Mama did not have the time or energy to cook.  I didn't sleep quite as well without him near me.  But, we did ok.

It's not that I NEED him to function.  I'm still independent enough to manage and I'm a good enough mom to handle it all.  I mowed the lawn, hosted playdates, shuffled kids to and from the theatre for performances and rehearsals, watched my girl kick it in karate, took them to church, took kids to the water park, and kept the house from burning down.

I might not need a man, but boy do I ever love the one I've got. 


MommySpice said...

So glad to hear you're so happy! I agree with all your thoughts. I've followed you for more than 10 years and all the positive changes in your life have been so refreshing to read. Thank you for continuing to share your life with us. Laura in Ohio.

Unknown said...

We are SO totally on the same page! We are a blended family of 6 (we just celebrated our 1 year anniversary this month) & my husband just took a new job that requires a ton of travel & I am really struggling with it. Even though I managed just fine being a single mom of 3 before we got together, it's so much more difficult when your other half isn't there.

ShanRey said...

Thinking of you Jenny!

Sherry said...

How are things going? We miss you!

timi68 said...

Thinking of you today and every September 13th. My baby girl and Allie were 3 months apart and I will never forget her and your beautiful family! How I wish things would've turned out differently for her. I held my breath every time I would open up and I would pray that she was doing better than the day before. You sure do you have a beautiful raspberry blowing angel baby in Heaven watching over you always! <3<3<3

Unknown said...

watch me on Musiknisasi

leapoffaith21103 said...

Just letting you know that you have another follower/reader who checks your blog daily for updates. Hope you and your family are doing well.

KirstyB said...

Just checking in on you, Jenny! I know you are busy, busy, busy with life! Hope all is well!

Unknown said...

Great article, I've really enjoyed reading this. I have recently discovered the amazing work that Listen Charity do on behalf of charities, they have helped raise over £150 million, you should check them out!

Tracy said...

miss your posts......

Bonny said...

I really, really miss your posts.

Unknown said...

Missing your updates in Arizona. Hope all is well.

Jo said...

Are you still going to keep your blog?

Amy B. said...

Happy New Year, Jenny! I pray that you and your family are doing well. Miss your updates on the blog!

Jo Ru said...

Jenny please let us know that you and the children are doing well. I keep checking your blog and pray that you are just too busy. I'm sure everyone is very concerned also. Miss you

Unknown said...

Just checking in to see if all is well. I've been following your story since the Baby Center board days. Hoping all is well.

Unknown said...

I'm so dissapointed to see you haven't updated your blog. I know you don't really know us, we are just people behind a computer screen and you don't owe us a thing. However, we all have come to care about you, your kids, your posse, your pets and it's been 7 months since we've heard from you. The reality is that you don't owe us an update, you don't owe us these peeks into your personal life BUT I feel like you do have some obligation to give us some closeure if you've decided to close your blog. It's not fair to leave us all hanging. We've spent years caring about you and the girls. We've wept with you, we've laughed with you, been angry for you...

I respect your privacy and if you don't update your blog, I will have to accept it, but I'm hoping that some day soon you will update and let us all know that you're ok.

Thanks Jenny :)

timi68 said...

not seeing any updates has me thinking the worst, but hoping that you're too busy and enjoying life. Please update if you can. Been a follower since Allie was diagnosed. Hope all is well :)

Unknown said...

Hi Jenny,
Wow, its been 12 years since I've followed your blog. I STILL think about Allie all the time. I followed your blog from 2003-2004. It was so hard, bc my oldest (diagnosed w/autism) was also born in 2003. We still have his stuffed giraffe and her name is still Allie. I googled your family names last night to see how you are all doing...all of these years later. So great to see you doing well with your beautiful girls and new marriage. Look at the impact Allie has made. Here I am checking in 12 years later!! xo Hope to see you update your blog soon. YOU ARE AMAZING!
Holly (Rhode Island)

Unknown said...

Miss you Jenny! Please check in and just let us know you and the family are ok!

Akira bel said...

A great post. Thanks for sharing your experience with us. Charities have gone beyond the conventional ways of trying to reel in support for their causes. Charity wristbands would often contain the logo of the charity as well as a theme they would often use for events.

Carol Mezzanotte said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
John Pereless said...

Great Post!! One of the greatest obstacles non-profit organizations face is spreading the word about their cause. Silicone wristbands can be used to create awareness of a non-profit's mission. Customizing your bracelets with your organization's colors, website address, or logo makes them a powerful marketing tool.

crazydaisy said...

Checking in been following you since the beginning ... Was looking for an update and hoping all was well. Some people leave an impact and one of them is you. Hoping no news is good news ��

Jo said...


This isn't like you to not post for a year with no updates. It did look like you removed someone's comment so this must mean you are checking the blog? Would you mind leaving a post that you are okay or if you plan to close the blog? I have been reading since 2004 and I know others have, too.

Respectfully, Johannah Malone

Unknown said...

It is kinda crappy to leave us all hanging even though a few of us have asked if you are ok. You spent years writing this blog and we spent years praying for you, investing emotionally in you and your family...why leave us hanging. If you are done blogging, tell us. If you plan to continue and just haven't gotten around to it, let us know. Just my opinion.

michellek said...

Jenny, you do not owe anyone an explanation, and for others to critique for not updating is unfair to you. We have only had a glimpse of the life you have graciously permitted us to view, but we do not walk in your shoes. Putting yourself out there for strangers is a big undertaking, and I have felt honored to be given a glimpse of the amazing things you have done in your life. Thank you for inspiring others and best wishes to you in all that life brings your way,

Paula said...

miss you Jenny!

Anonymous said...

I was just checking in to see what is going on in your life. I check back frequently hoping for an update and never leave a reply. I thought I would today, since it has been almost a year. It seems you have found whatever closure you have finally needed from writing this blog. It seems your readers are deserved some closure, as well. Could you possibly write a final blog post that would grant us all closure, as well? We have all been praying for you for many years and we deserve some peace of mind. Yes, it was your blog, but you were writing to an audience of many. It isn't very thoughtful to leave us behind without a single thought or care in the world after so many years of interacting with us. A blog is only as strong as its audience makes it, and your audience was very strong and loyal.

Sherry said...

It's been a year since we heard from you. Hope you're doing well.

Jo Ru said...

I pray that she's ok and nothing happened to her. How will we ever know?This is not normal

Jen said...

Jenny and I are friends on twitter, and she is fine. I miss her updates too, since twitter is so limited.

Unknown said...

I thought for sure we would see a closure post today, now that's it's officially been a year since she posted last. It does seem incredibly strange that she would just leave the blog on such a random post, no formal closure for all of us that have been following and praying since Allie first got sick. But I guess that's the way it goes. We are just people on the internet somewhere. I wish her and her family well.

Unknown said...

Sadly, I am unfollowing your blog. You aren't the person I thought you were Jenny. Best of luck.

MissBBC said...

I think something is definitely not right with Jenny. Like many who started following Jenny back in the difficult days with baby Allie, we've been hoping for updates. I remember when her first marriage was falling apart, she painted a very rosy picture all the way to the end. Her first marriage was long over before she mentioned it in her blog. I think she must be in a difficult situation and isn't ready to blog about it.

Anonymous said...

Miss BBC - if you follow her on Twitter or Facebook, you would see that isn't the case. Jenny is perfectly fine and happy, she has no use for the blog any more - that in and of itself is fantastic! It just would have been nice and if she could have given her thousands of readers the closure she has obviously found.

Sherry said...

What's her Twitter user name?

Unknown said...

How about she's a busy teacher, mom, and wife and will blog when she can? I also follow her on Twitter and am friends on Facebook with her; I can see she's super busy. I don't know how she does it all, but she's one of my heroes! If I was her, I'd be falling asleep on my dinner plate lol. I'm sure when she has time to sit and breathe for two minutes, she'll come back and blog. Until then, why not continue to try to be patient. I've followed her for years, pretty much from the start of the original website, Scotthousehold. You won't see me getting upset she hasn't posted in over a year. I'm a busy working mom too and haven't touched my own blog in a few years, so I get it. Patience people!

Anonymous said...

We are busy parents with jobs and children and we still find the time to check in on her to see how she and her family are doing and continue praying for them as we have since we too started following when Allie was first sick. Blogger has a phone app, it takes 2 minutes to type "I'm okay, just busy, thanks for thinking of us!" or "I love you all for all of your support over the years but it's time to close the blog. Thank you!" That's like sending a text message, took me about 14 seconds to type. NO ONE is THAT busy.

Jo Ru said...

I totally agree Mike T. She's not too busy to post on Twitter or Facebook as we've been told that she is fine because people follow her on that. Maybe we should all move on and wish her the best. Obviously she couldn't care less about us followers!

timi68 said...

I agree with Mike T. Ive been following Jenny since the time Allie got sick (my daughter is the same age). I ve followed her blog(s) religiously. Some closure would be nice or at least let us know where we can follow her just to see how she's doing. I wish we didn't have to hear it from "others" that she's ok :( Jenny, if you're even reading this any more, please know that we are all concerned for you. You shared your life with us in depth for the last 12 years and then you fall off the face of the Earth! We're watch your beautiful girls grow up, with cried with you when Brandy died and then you cut us all off :( if you're done with this blog, just come out and say it and we will be ok with it but don't just leave us hanging with nothing at all >3>3>3

MissBBC said...

No actually she's never shared any sort of Facebook page or twitter account with us on this blog at all. That's the obvious reason for these messages on here, so many people have cared for her and her family and have invested lots of prayers and well wishes to her for years. If she does update on a Twitter account and on Facebook and everything is so fabulous as you say Mike T then why would she just leave this blog with a random post and never come back to say....."Hey, my life is great and I'm saying goodbye to this blog but join me on my twitter account at XYZ"? She has time for Facebook and twitter but she can't update those who cried with her in Ally's final days? We cried with her in the difficult days, weeks and months that followed. I think posters on here are giving her the benefit of the doubt and calling it "concern" but from the information you've shared, it's really actually cold and dismissive of her. I still say something is not right.

timi68 said...

if she has a facebook account then why is it so difficult to find? :( I checked many times but can't find her

Jo Ru said...

She's probably using her new married name. Obviously she has no time for the people that followed her throughout the years so why would anyone want to befriend her on Facebook or anything else? Just saying

Anonymous said...

It's not difficult to find - it's straight forward and exactly what she uses here and elsewhere. She is perfectly fine as you can see from her Facebook page and she is just choosing not to update here for whatever her reasons might be. It's sad, it's hurtful but it is what it is. She technically doesn't "owe" us anything, but I think it's really kind of crappy not to give some proper closure to the blog after all we supported her through. is her Facebook. I literally just went to Facebook and searched "charitymom" and hers is the first thing to come up. For Twitter, I googled "charitymom twitter" and again, it's the first hit. It's not a secret and it's not any kind of crazy searching. It took 2 seconds - as long as it would take her to type "Thanks for the support over the years - it's time for me to close the blog. Take care!"

timi68 said...

thank for the info Mike T! I was trying to look her up as Jenny Scott (duh)lol Yup, she sure looks like she's happy and I'm happy for her but just wished for some closure on this end!! :)

Jo said...

Well, got the closure I needed. Thank you, Mike T. I never thought to look under charity mom for FB. (D'uh!) I wish her well and don't wish to repeat all the previous comments. I will not be passing by the blog again.

Unknown said...

Hello!! Shot in the dark here... but looking to get in touch with you, Jenny! I have a question for you!! If possible can you shoot me an email?

I promise I'm not a weirdo. Its important :)

jtmariece said...

Scott is gone :( A little sad, seeing how I have always thought of that as an December 03 baby from babycenter. I know you never ever would ever forget her, but her domain name is gone :(

Amy Lee said...

Mike T. I wish I could like your comments. You are spot on. Also, after you posted her FB info, I think she deleted her account, because I can't find it. I have followed her for years, as Allie was the same age as my daughter. I started following her well before Allie passed away. As many of you stated, no matter what is going on in her life, she could take the time to take 10 seconds and either say "I'm too busy" or "I'm closing the blog/FB/Twitter". Absolutely ridiculous that she would "treat" those of us who have supported her and followed her for almost 13 years, the way she is.

Unknown said...

She is obviously not the person we all thought she was. I think we were all fooled by Jenny.

Jo Ru said...

My thoughts exactly. I had requested to follow her on Twitter and she didn't accept and now she deleted both Facebook and Twitter. Strange!

Anonymous said...

I just went to her Facebook and it's still active:

I am fairly certain she receives a notification when she gets a comment on her blog - I have to believe she has seen all of these messages...

Unknown said...

Clearly Jenny has moved on and doesn't feel the need to give the people who supported her, encouraged her, cared about her and her family, cheered her on, prayed for her, any explanation or closure. If she does get notifications of comments ( and I'm sure she does ) it's even more disgusting that she's left us all hanging. Maybe the disintegration of her posse was a clear indication of things to come. I guess we'll never know.

Unknown said...

Personally, I believe one of two things happened:

1. The last post offended someone. Maybe her husband, maybe her ex, maybe an ex wife or children, or even her school district. I know some districts get really weird about their employees and what they do on the side or what they put on a social forum. Understandable.

2. Maybe she really did wake up one day and decide she didn't want to do this anymore. People do this all the time without warning or explanation. She owes us neither of these things but, given she has put her life out there for the world to see, and for us to read and care about her, it does seem very odd and out of character. But then, what do I know about her character? She only let us see what she wanted us to see.

Jen said...

Lisa Peter, obviously there is something seriously wrong with you. Your posts gave me a headache.

Unknown said...

@Jen, actually I'm a really nice person. I'm sorry you feel that way.

Jen said...

@Lisa Peter- No. This is her blog, and you just behaved like a huge baby. She's got an awful lot on her plate. You come on here with a few flying monkeys and start on about what a horrible person she is. Someone said it, a lot of people get AWFULLY brave behind a computer screen. Yes, I followed her as well when Allie was in the hospital. Doesn't mean she owes us anything. I'm quite certain that my saying this won't do anything. You probably aren't even seeing the irony of what your comments caused, either.

Unknown said...


1. You're taking this to the extreme
2. Is that YOU Jenny?
3. You don't know me to make assumptions
4. How WOULD I know the "irony" of my comments since she/you doesn't post anymore.
( Irony? How does that even make sense )
5. I never said she was a horrible person..EVER....what I said was it was crappy of her to leave everyone hanging and not provide at least a rudimentary explanation that she was done blogging.
6. FLYING MONKEYS? That's a new one.

Jen said...

@Lisa Peter. Flying monkeys. I said it, and I meant it. Why would I answer all, what, 5 of your questions? I'm quite sure this is your excitement for the month. Shame. I suggest you get your jollies somewhere else. Perhaps the next family that doesn't do what you want?

Unknown said...

I like your blog! And I'm glad that your husband has so many 'functions' - best friend, husband, and love - you are very lucky!

Kelly from Job Searching Mom Blog

Unknown said...

It took you 2 MONTHS to come up with that reply? Sweetie, step away from the computer and get some air. Life is too short to be so bitter.

Jo Ru said...

I'm really saddened how this beautiful blog went from something that everyone was so concerned and loving towards Jenny and her family to this childish back and forth nonsense. I think this should be put to rest and the blog be totally deleted or stop with the insulting comments.

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