Maggie's loving the water! We went "simming" three times this weekend and have been playing with her new Ariel sprinkler (read--complete piece of crap that doesn't work well but toddler loves). She loves it all--picking out a different swimsuit to wear, lathering in "sumscream," and getting soaked to the bone!
I'm currently looking into different swim lesson options for her, as she is so fearless in the water. She will just jump into your arms in the water and tries to wriggle out while exclaiming, "me do it myself!!" Umm, no, don't think so my child. We'll be spending lots of time in the pool this summer with my mom's pool and our neighborhood one. I personally hate public pools, but I guess I will suck it up for the little one. If anyone has any good suggestions for swim lessons that won't force me to go broke, let me know!
Here are some cute pics from tonight's time soaking in the backyard...

Nothing like getting pelted in the face with cold water to make a little one happy

A thirsty girl

"Look at my hands!" That's Maggie's new favorite thing to say--"Look at ME!"..."Look at Mama!" "Look at BeeBee." If you heard just how cute the voice is, you would want to just eat her up.

My other baby--just far enough away to stay dry but just close enough to be with us. She loves for us all to be outside, but hates getting wet! Aren't Golden Retrievers supposed to be water dogs?? Not mine, that's for sure.

This is what summer is all about.
I've had my son in 3 different types of swimming lessons. Definitely liked the one at the local YMCA best and that's also where he learned the most. Of course I don't know what the lessons at the Y in your area are like, but maybe you can check it out or talk to someone whose kids are taking lessons there. You don't have to be a member.
I teach lessons at the YMCA in Cedar Rapids where I live and the kids love it. Maggie would be perfect because she already loves the water so she would just learn about water safety and I know around here parents are allowed in the water if they want.
I teach for Emler Swim School. There are 4 different locations in the area. Lessons are a little pricey, but definitely worth the money. My kids swam there and I loved it so much that I started teaching for them!!
Jennifer Cooper
My daughter (just turned 3) is taking lessons through Infant Swimming Resource. It's an awesome program, and Maggie would be able to actually swim at the end of it. Given that she's fearless around water, it's probably a good idea that she have lessons that teach her how to swim and float if she were ever to accidentally fall in. I'm sure there are instructors in your area.
Jenny, I know a lady in Dallas who is FABULOUS. She gives lessons (both private and group) out of her backyard or she'll come to you. I took from her for 9 years and my sister for 10, and both my nannykids A. & E. did, too. She's really amazing and so talented and great with the kids. If you want her name & information, you can e-mail me.
Lifeguard Linda.
Fear is an excellent motivator.
I am so jealous that it's already warm/hot enough there to run around in sprinklers in the evening.
Up here in NY, we've had unseasonably cool weather this month and I'm ready for SUMMER!
Looks like Maggie is enjoying herself thoroughly. She is so damn cute.
Those are adorable pictures! Jenna is loving the water this year too. We started swimming lessons this week and she's tolerating those. Not her favorite thing but she's doing pretty well. Sorry...I don't have any suggestions for swimming lessons in Texas! However we've got an awesome instructor here if you feel like taking a vacation to California!! :)
What cute pictures - she's completely adorable.
These pictures remind me how crazy it is that I live where I live and not somewhere MUCH warmer.
Dolfin swim school is our swim school of choice
those pictures are adorable! She truly is a princess! Now, if you can just talk your husband into NOT blocking half of the blogs I read here at work.....I now can't see twitter because my access is DENIED! Andrew is one of the guilty parties. I guess they expect us to work around here! At least I still get yours, Amy's, Debbie's, Tracey's and Jen's! whew....he DOES have a heart!
So cute! My 2 yr old calls it "scumscream"
Emler Swim School. Expensive. Worth every single penny. The instructors (at least in Colleyville) are awesome and the directors are willing to listen to your thoughts. I had my kids there for several summer sessions. Now, they swim like fishes.
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