Monday, October 6, 2008

Why I a Big Girl

Ask Maggie a question beginning with WHY and you get the same answer.

Us: Maggie, why are you running around naked?

Her: Why I a big girl.

Us: Why did you hurt your friend at school today?

Her: Why I a big girl.

Us: Why did you just throw a huge fit and flop your body to the ground?


Seriously, how do you argue with this kind of logic???


Dawn Endres said...

LOL! No kidding. That's just too cute!

Anissa Mayhew said...

My youngest used to answer everything with "maybe"...didn't matter what I asked, the answer was always "maybe". They should both run for office.

Heather said...

Mine answers everything with "okay". What do you want? "okay" It makes no sense.

Venus said...

Is Maggie hitting other kids again?

Crys said...

that is awesome. she is so funny!

Jenny said...

Venus--she's on steroids this week. They're really messing with her. This week, she pushed and pinched friends. It has not been pleasant this week. We're off the meds Friday after her allergy testing. Friday could not come faster!!

Anonymous said...

So cute! I love the things that come out of little one's mouths...most of the time.

Brittany..Following my Bliss said...

Is that Venus person for real? What a condescending comment!

Nikki said...

I wish I could blame steriods for my 4 year olds behavior at preschool this week. Yesterday, she kissed a boy right on the she threw dirt in a little girl's eyes. Sigh....

Amy Lee said...

You just can't argue with that! She's too cute. I bet you have to do all you can not to let her see you laugh...LOL