Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Just sad...

I don't have a lot to write tonight. It's definitely getting close to September. I can feel the heaviness in my heart as I do each and every year. It's all I've thought about all day. Can't get my girl off my mind.

Just sad tonight.


Anonymous said...

So sorry, Jenny. I thought of you this morning as the Green Day song played on my radio as the alarm. I am so sad for you and your family on that day. Please know how many people around the world think of the Scott's and lift you up in prayers. I hope that gives you some comfort, even though it's difficult. Try to feel our arms wrapping around you and your precious family!

Laurie said...

Jenny, I read your blog faithrully and am still so sad for you and Andrew to have lost precious Baby Allie. At the end of September last year, we lost our precious 32-year-old cousin as he died while jogging on the Katy Trail in Dallas. As September 29th approaches, we are like clay figurines, fresh from the fire, afraid to speak about it or we might break....but we are breaking anyway and so we talk about him and about how harrowing it was to not even know he was missing until over 24 hours later.......so I think of all of us who have lost someone wonderful, gorgeous, funny and precious. Important people! This past Valentine's Day my husband and I decided to each contribute to a charity in the other's name in lieu of gifts for each other. I printed your blog about Allie and sent him one of your Valentine's, so thank you for not being afraid to talk about her or afraid you'll break if you do. Take care.....Laurie

Mom Of 3 said...

I think of you and Allie, and your entire family on a daily basis. I know Sept is a hard month. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Candice said...

I'm sorry, thats really all I can say. Sorry for what you are feeling right now. I can't begin to imagine.

Dee said...

Jenny- I have followed your blog from the beginning and my heart goes out to you and your family. You are in my thoughts!! I will be hugging my girls even harder tomorrow.

Jenn M said...

Aw Jen! I've been meaning to email you since our zoo visit last week...the Giraffe statue gets me everytime I go there, even before we met. When we went last week, Jason was fascinated by it--"look at that giraffe mommy! a little girl is swinging on it, can I swing on a giraffe? will it hurt his neck?" Through tears I said, "you can't honey, but I know a special angel who can"
Thinking of you!

sunnydeveloper said...

I remember Allie. I wish it were different. I think you have done some amazing work in her name, you have made a difference - through Allie you have and continue to make a tremendous difference. Hopefully one day no mother will have to endure what you do every September.

duchesspandora said...

((((big hugs))))

Lyndsay said...

I'm so sorry....

Shannon (SLBB) said...

Wake me up when September ends.

Your posse will be there for you.

I would give back everything I have learned and received from knowing you and your posse through their blogs If I could change this one event in time.

Thinking of you often.

HollyH said...

jenny- thinking of you, and honored that you've allowed me to volunteer to honor allie's memory daily. I'm lucky to know you.

mum1228 said...

I really don't know what else to say but that I am so sorry and my heart goes out to you and yours.

Tracy said...

I think of Allie often. She is in my heart and always will be. She was a little fighter. You are doing her proud with all of your hard work and all of the families you have helped!

Donna said...

I think about you guys every time I hear Wonder or Wake Me Up. Every time. Amazing how much good can be done out of love for one so small who was here for such a very short time.

One Crazy Mother said...

4 years later, and I still think of you guys often.
Big hugs,
Tab & Susanna

Kelly said...

So many people, many who've never met you (like me), are still sad and will always be sad about what happened to your little girl. My thoughts are with you!

Anonymous said...

Met one of my former students today and we talked about Allie for awhile. She had an internship with The Leukemia and Lymphoma Foundation this summer, and has offered help here for Light the Night. I was telling her about Allie's battle, and how I became involved in the Friends of Heroes group. There are a lot of ways to remember Allie in September, and I can only imagine how hard it must be for you. I hope it is a comfort that so many of us still think of her often, and were inspired by her and by you to do so much good. It did make me sad to think about it.

If you and Andrew rolled yourselves into a ball every single September and stayed there the entire month I'd understand perfectly. I think it is a real tribute to who you are as people that you don't do this -- that you get up each day and make life better for people going through the same kind of horror you went through back then. I am so proud to "know" you -- even if it is just through the blog!

Jen said...

I'm so sorry. ((Jenny)).

Adrianne said...

The 25th of August marked 1 year since the passing of my mother in law to a 10 year battle of what started with breast cancer then turned into lung then brain cancer. Wow how the year flew by. But I now know how you feel not the magnitude and she is not my baby. But that date will always stick in my head as will the time she passed because we had to take her off life support. I haven't even had the courage to write about my feeling yet... HUGS as Allie's Angel day approaches.

Anonymous said...

Jenny, I understand the heaviness you feel. Aug 30th is my son, Christian's, 15th birthday. But I've never gotten to celebrate his birthday with him in my arms b/c he was stillborn. Every year, I get in a little funk in early to mid-August. I can tell you that even though the hurt never goes away, it does get a little easier. Some days I still totally fall apart when I think about all I've missed with him and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about him and miss him.

About 2yrs after he died, I got a tattoo of his feet on my ankle. It was my way of keeping him with me always.

You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

Musings from Me said...

What a sad time for you. You have done so much to keep your daughter's memory alive. Thinking of you and Allie this month and always.

Anonymous said...

I will always answer the phone when it's you.

Love you.

~Denise~ said...

Much love to you. We were on vacation at Disney last week and I thought of Allie when we saw the giraffes.