Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Only two blog posts left
My next challenge? A focus on weight loss and exercise? My challenge is to exercise 30 minutes a day the entire month of December. Will I do it? I don't know, but I'm going to try. We need to get in four trainings a week for our Team in Training half marathon. The other three days, I need to do something. Whether it is getting to the gym or adding another walk in, I'm not sure. I'm ready for this next challenge. The reward? I have a pair of jeans, size 12, sitting in my closet. I can zip them. It ain't pretty. Fitting in those jeans would be a big reward!
Friday, November 28, 2008
For the Twilight Fans
Sunday, I went with friends to see the much anticipated Twilight film.
Some thoughts....
The characters--
Bella was perfect. She had the manneurisms down. She had the look and the voice I had in my head. And she was believable.
Edward--yes. Like many prepubescent teens, I too am fairly smitten with a vampire.
Alice--the hair was right, the perky attitude was right. The ideal casting choice.
Rosalie--really? She is the epitome of beauty? She is the most gorgeous girl in the room? Am I missing something?
Emmett--Hilarious. Loved his timing and his attitude. Loved Emmett.
Jasper--Did the actor study Edward Scissorhands before he took the part? He was seriously creepy. Every time he cocked his head to the side, I laughed. I know it was supposed to be his restraint and the struggle he had with wanting human blood, but it just came across comedic, not like a vampire.
Esme--Gorgeous. She exuded the love and compassion Esme is known for.
Carlisle--Ever see the movie Can't Hardly Wait? The actor that plays Mike Dexter (Andrew always refers to him as the "Tom Cruise wannabe") is Dr. Carlisle Cullen. Carlisle is supposed to be the smoothest vampire. One that the mere sight of him makes women just melt and become completely befuddled. They swoon. Instead, when Carlisle walked into the room for the first time, Angela and I busted out LAUGHING. So much so that people started looking at us as we were trying our damndest to stifle our giggles.
Charlie--Exactly what I pictured.
Jacob Black--Is it just me or is his teeth unnaturally white? Otherwise, I have no beef with Jacob. However, I don't know if I really want to sit through New Moon--that's a lot of Jacob.
James--The tracker. Angela might have ruined it for me when she leaned over and asked, "Is it just me or does James look like Bucky from American Idol?" That did it and I was singing bad country music in my head.
The movie--
As always, the book was better. There have been very few movies where I have been able to say that I enjoyed the movie more than the book. Very, very few. No exception here. The book is detailed. If I stepped into the movie without reading the book, I might have felt as though I was missing some important element. Some further details that would make me understand Edward's actions or Bella's self consciousness.
I love the scene in the trees.
I felt disappointed with the image of Edward in the sun. If it wasn't for the sound effects of the shimmering lights, I might not have really noticed all that much. They didn't have it in the meadow, taking away the magnitude of this moment for Bella and Edward.
The vampire house--breathtaking. I saw it as a white house in my head, not sure why.
From the baseball scene on, I was hooked. It made the movie. The fight scene in the ballet kept me on the edge of my seat. Once Bella is bitten by James in the book, you really don't get a description of the writhing agony she is experiencing. You most definitely see that in the movie and it brings a new visual and understanding of what Bella is going through.
Good chemistry between Bella and Edward.
The conclusion--
I didn't love it, but I liked it. I will most likely watch it again when it comes to video.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
This afternoon, we have my family, his mom and stepdad, and our good friends the Lintons and the Kriegers all descending upon our house for a Thanksgiving feast. We're doing the turkey, mashed potatoes, and my personal favorite--the best homemade yeast rolls ever. YUM. Everyone else will be contributing an item to put on the table.
As for the weight loss--I'm not stressing about it today. I'm 8.5 lbs down! I'm going to enjoy one meal but not let it get the best of me. I'll be back on track tomorrow. You can't really see my weight loss yet, but I can tell in some of my pants. Several jeans fit again. My big goal--20 lbs down. That will put me at what I was when I got pregnant with Maggie. I at least want to be down there before I begin trying to get pregnant. 11.5 lbs left to go!
Best wishes to all my friends and family on this day of thanks. Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
True Love
Me: What do you want for Christmas, Maggie?
Her: Hmm....maybe a mary dress and a mary doll.
Me: A what?? Huh?
Her: A mary dress. You know, Mama.
Me: Mag, what's a mary dress?
Her: So I can marry my daddy!!
What does my daughter want for Christmas? A wedding gown so she can wed her true love--her daddy.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
One Word
You can only type ONE Word! Not as easy as you might think.
Now copy or forward, change the answers to suit you and pass it on.
It's really hard to only use one word answers.
You can only type one word, on each line. Send it to 7 people
including the person that sent it to you:
Where is your cell phone? couch
Where is your significant other? home
Your hair? colored
Your mother? Kind
Your father? missed
Your favorite thing? hugs
Your dream last night? forgotten
Your dream/goal? happiness
The room you're in? Deb's
Where do you want to be in 6 years? HFC
Where were you last night? walking
Muffins? love
One of your wish list items? cruise
Where you grew up? California
The last thing you did? laugh
What are you wearing? tshirt
Your pet? spastic
Your computer? frustrating
Your life? stressful
Your mood? vegatative
Missing someone? Allie
Your car? dirty
Something you're not wearing? earrings
Your summer? relaxing
Love someone? Andrew
Your favorite color? red
When is the last time you laughed? today
Last time you cried? today
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Writer's Block
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
My Office Manager hung this in our office today...cracks me up
why they silence their cell phones--the dinging at 11:45pm from emails
from me!!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
My precocious child...don't know where she gets it from!
- She needs three stories because she's three years old.
- She wants to eat three "breakfast hot dogs" (pigs in a blanket) because she has three cousins.
- At school, she MUST SIT ON THE LETTER M on the apple tree carpet. If she doesn't? Loses her business completely.
- She organizes her shoes to display them for our friends when we have guests.
- She's a different princess every day, often every few minutes. "Can I be Belle?" There are more costume changes in this house on an average evening then in most plays!
- Her shoes must match her outfit.
- Her hair-ties (yes, I call them hair-ties--whatever you call them, ponytail holders?) must match her shirt.
- She prefers dresses/skirts most days.
- She picks out MY shoes.
- If she messes up an art project, such as pressing too hard and ripping the paper, she will cry hysterically and throw the paper away.
- Her teacher starts her first on art projects because she is more meticulous than anyone else in the classroom.
- Her dancing is hilarious--picture Elaine from Seinfeld sticking out her thumbs.
- Her new nickname for me is "Mama Booty Pincher" as I tell her I'm going to pinch her booty to make her giggle.
- She makes us rock her on the floor every night after stories, but before she climbs into bed.
- Every night, she empties the contents of her toy box when she is supposed to be sleeping. Every morning, I make her help me put it all back away. It's a vicious cycle really.
- She wants to know everyone's name and relationship. Everyone. I honestly can't tell you about the lady that just walked past us in the grocery store, Mag, sorry.
- She won't watch regular TV--movies only. She calls them "moonies." She's killing us with Pocahontas 2 right now. Have you ever seen that crap? Terrible.
- Every day when you pick her up and ask her what she did at school, she replies "I shared with my friends!"
Oh, my sweet Maggie love!
Monday, November 17, 2008
First sign of success
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Go Away 'Kemia!!
Can you help? Please visit our fundraising site and donate if you are able. Pass it along. $3,600 is our goal to meet both fundraising minimums for us. We're training from now until the big day on Sunday, April 5, 2009. I'm ready!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
First Training
Wouldn't you know today was one of our first really cold mornings of the season! 40 degree with a very strong wind chill factoring it all in. Our group huddled together, looking at this coupled with a well bundled child snug as a bug in her jogging stroller. With my mom out of town and both parents training, our only option was to bring along the little Munchie girl.
The TNT staff member in charge of our training group was working there when I was a part time staffer years ago for the Pennies for Patients division. We spoke earlier about my sharing our story, the "Mission Moment" of the day. As we were all huddled together to shield from the wind and jumping up and down to keep warm, I knew I had to make a brief speech. I didn't get to share much about our story, just a few brief words lasting less than about three minutes. Eventually I hope to share more about Allie.
Off we went to begin our first two mile walk with the group. It was a quick realization for me that I am WAY out of shape! Walking into the wind made it difficult and keeping up with Andrew's longer strides had me running more than once to catch up. Still, we came in last out of the others training. That's ok, we still showed up and made the commitment, and I'm proud of that.
As I was feeling the cold and wishing I was snug in my bed, a vision of Allie's face came to the forefront of my mind. I want to do this to lose weight. I want to do this to bond with my husband and set a goal of something I never thought I could do. More importantly, I'm compelled to do this for a tremendous cause (to irridicate blood cancers) in memory of one gorgeous blue eyed girl. Over the next few months, I anticipate that I will be relying on her strength to guide me through the training sessions, especially as we increase mileage. Now of course, I sweetly asked Andrew if he was thinking of Allie on the walk. He responded, "I was thinking how I needed warmer clothes most of the time and I wanted out of the wind!" OK, that makes sense too!
I'm setting up our fundriasing page tomorrow. Tonight, Mag and I are heading over to babysit Deb's kids while she goes to engagement party for her younger brother. As soon as I have it set up, I'll be posting up here, you can be sure.
One training down and many more trainings to come!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Can't wait
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Last Fundaising Event in 2008!
Houston Heroes and Handbags
5K Run/Walk
Heroes for Children Golf Classic
and tonight?
Hold'Em for Heroes!!
I'm off to raise more money for cancer families!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
As for me, I'm tired of it all. I'm tired of the yo-yo dieting, the motivation and than quick diminishing of it all, and the stress eating. I'm desperate to feel better about my size and to actually get to wear some of the clothes in my clothes. Right now? Most doesn't fit and it frustrates the hell out of me.
I'm just finishing my third day of Phase I of South Beach. For those that are unfamiliar--this is a two week intense phase with no carbs, no sugars, no starchy veggies, and no fruit. I am not able to completely cut out the fruit, but I am following it completely otherwise. After the two weeks, I get to slowly introduce good carbs, such as whole grains, and fruit back into my everyday routine. For those that are familiar with Weight Watchers--this is VERY similiar to Core once in Phase II. It focuses on more natural foods, less processed things. I did this two years ago and found great success (lost 8 lbs in the first two weeks--all from my middle!). I fell off the wagon for our cruise and never got back on.
I can't tell you I'm loving it right now. It's tough. I'm tired and I'm a bit cranky from being without my carbs. Come mid next week, I may be an outright bitch. BUT, if it does what it did for me last time, I will lose the cravings for the sweets. I will be able to add the good carbs without wanting to shovel it all in all at once.
As I already mentioned, Andrew and I have made the decision to train for a half marathon through Team in Training. No, we're not running. He gets cramps, and frankly, I'm big chested--not real conducive to running, especially not our first time. So, we're walking. Racewalking to be exact. Larissa trained to racewalk years ago and swears that I'll love it. I'm really excited about our first training session on Saturday. We're two weeks behind everyone else that is training, but we hope to get into it quickly. Our event isn't until April 5th (right after the Dallas Heroes and Handbags event on Friday, April 3rd--great way to help me fit into a great dress for the event!!). It's the Big D marathon in Dallas. The North Texas TNT only has two options for training for Spring marathons--it's either Dallas or ROME. Seriously? While we would of course love to return to Rome because we love the city, we just can't commit to fundraising $6,200 a piece. Not our first attempt!
Tonight was our first walk. We did 2.2 miles in 30 minutes. It's not the quickest pace in the world, but it worked for us. Maggie was snug as a bug in her jogging stroller and Brandy was horribly jealous that she wasn't invited along. If you have never walked my dog, you might not understand, but geesh that girl can pull. Andrew walks much faster than me, and I found myself behind more than once. When we got home, I was noticeable tired and feeling it whereas he said he didn't really feel much. Watch him lose more weight than me without even being on any kind of diet. That's how it goes, isn't it? Men.
I'm really excited to be doing this with Andrew. We are so completely different and tend to have very little common hobbies/interests. He is my best friend and I love him dearly, but we are different. This is fun and exciting to be doing something with him in this way. I'm excited that we've found something not only to help me in my weight loss but to attach to a worthy cause in memory of Allie. I love that Maggie will participate in some capacity with us through her stroller time with us taking family walks, especially helping us garner a healthier lifestyle for her as well. And what I really like about this plan for the half marathon? It gives me a goal to work towards. Just saying I'm going to climb my butt onto an elliptical at the gym is obviously not cutting it anymore. I have a goal, a date in sight. I will cross that finish line, with my wonderful husband by my side.
I will be posting periodically about the journey, and you can rest assured that I will be posting information regarding our fundraising pages once the sites are up and running. I appreciate the support and welcome the feedback and encouragement. I debated more than once to post my weight up on this site as another way to keep accountable, but frankly, I'm just too embarassed to do that. Way too many people read this for me to feel comfortable about saying how much I weigh!! Let's just say I have more than I'd like to admit that I need to lose.
Struggles I am going to have over the next two weeks--catered meals! I have tomorrow nights big Hold'Em for Heroes poker tournament, we have a donor appreciation party next week (guest speaker is Linda Armstrong Kelly, Lance Armstrong's amazing mother), and a baby shower for Jen. Oh wait, what else am I forgetting? Oh yes, that would be THANKSGIVING!! URGH! Meal for twelve people being hosted at my house. Guess Andrew and I will just have to make sure we do a really good walk afterwards! I'll need your help reminding me that just one day is not the excuse to let myself continue to spiral into bad habits because that is my usual routine. It's going to be tough to resist the good food that I know will be put in front of me, but I need to, I HAVE to resist them. Any tips?
Three days down, eleven more bitchy days to go before I move on to Phase II. Success--here I come!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Time to lace up my sneakers
I wish I had more tonight to blog, but truthfully, the house is all quiet (Andrew is out helping my brother) and my bed is warm and cozy on this rainy night. I'll blog tomorrow
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Battle of the Bulge
And then I gain it all back. Again, and again, and again.
So here I now sit the biggest I've ever been in my life, and I can't get a handle on it.
This year, I've dieted three times. I've lost a total of twenty five lbs (cumulatively--the most was 12) and gained thirty. I have one pair of jeans that currently fit, I only shop at one store these days, and I hate seeing myself in the mirror. I'm out of shape, tired all the time, and stressed. When I'm stressed, I eat. When I'm grieving and crying, I eat. And when I don't want to face my issues, you guessed it--I EAT.
The hardest part?
I'm ready for another baby. I want to get pregnant, but I am unwillingly to try at this current size. I just can't agree to pregnancy at this current state because it will just make it worse. I'm spiraling down. A pregnancy now would just make it worse. I know this. I've known it for about a month. And in the last month? Instead of taking the initiative and DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT, I've eaten more. Worse. And now? Ugh.
I'd like to tell you that this is a new revelation that will make me stick to it, but I don't know. I'm ready to give it another go. A fourth try. Yet, I can't help anticipating that fourth failure.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Our Daily Conversation
Me: My daddy's name is Jerry Lawson.
Maggie: Lawson? Like my GaGa! Where your daddy?
Me: You know--where is my daddy?
Maggie: In Heaben with Allie. What he have?
Me: He had cancer.
Maggie: Like my Allie! She have Kemia. Allie my baby. Allie your baby?
Me: Yes, Allie is my baby. Just like you're my baby too.
Maggie: Oh no, I not a baby. I a big girl!!
Variations to the normal conversation:
Maggie: Allie was a real person?
Maggie: Allie in Heaben a rweally long time. She coming back now?
Me: No, honey, Allie will stay in Heaven.
Maggie: I go to Heaben to see her and your daddy?
Me, Andrew, everyone else: Not until you're an old lady.
And a tough conversation back in September--
Maggie: Mama, all babies go to HEABEN!!
Me: Oh, no, baby. Not all babies go to Heaven. We know lots of babies and they aren't going to go to Heaven.
Maggie: Oh, just MY baby go to Heaben?
Me--complete silence as my heart breaks just a bit.
Maggie: Oh, I not an old lady. I a little girl.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Through Dress Up and Play
I'm so excited that we have our first board meeting tomorrow. While I don't know that I will serve on the Board of Directors, I would be honored to serve as a member of their Advisory Board. I'm looking forward to helping this group tomorrow in creating the infastructure to create something longstanding to help seriously ill children find fun in dress up and play during difficult times. I wrote recently about how I chose to get involved. Using my knowledge of creating a start up nonprofit, I hope to help guide them a little towards the right path. After four years of doing this and going into my fifth year with Heroes for Children (holy cow!!), I've learned a thing or two about running a nonprofit. An expert? I'm most certainly not the most proficient in all things nonprofit, but I know what it takes. I know what it is like to lose a child and create something meaningful in her memory, and I hope that I can use that knowledge to help the Princess Alexa Foundation achieve success. I'm so excited!
With Halloween just ending, costumes are on sale everywhere. If you are looking for an easy way to help an organization, please consider picking up a costume. The Foundation is building a large dress up closet of NEW costumes for Children's Medical Center. The goal is to have close to 2,000 outfits for boys and girls of all sizes when it is launched. You have the ability to help us reach our goal. Please visit the website and see how you can help out.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Babies, babies, and more babies
- Maggie has a new cousin! Baby Elliott was born this afternoon around noon at 7lb 6oz. Congratulations to Andrew's sister Amie and her husband Michael as well as to big sister Isabella and big brother Max. We're thrilled for the family and can't wait to meet our new little man! Please join me in congratulating Amie and Michael!
- No, that doesn't help the baby fever, but we are getting closer to considering trying. Potentially in the new year. Still unsure, but we'll see (don't get all crazy excited now, I just said we'll see). I definitley want to, but I am stressed about my health and my weight (that's a blog post that's coming this month, I promise. Just too tired for it tonight)
- Lilly made the Top 5. Voting ends on Friday. Click a vote if you can!
- Have you seen my adorable twins lately? Well, I know they aren't mine, but oh my, those twins are getting so big!
- I'm missing my baby tonight. I'm in Houston until Friday late afternoon. This is the first overnight trip I've had since cancer camp in July and I'm gone for two nights. She simply reminded me I had to bring home a present given that I was taking an airport.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Holiday Heroes
This month is our big Holiday Heroes project. Holiday Heroes adopts families for the holiday season to help bring them hope, love, and hopefully some happiness during a difficult time in their life. This year, we are adopting 40 families from all across the state for the holiday. We have volunteers through our women's auxiliary, HFC Friends, in Dallas helping us with 26 families in North Texas. There is a sorority group in San Antonio, and volunteers through our Heroes and Handbags group in Houston helping (though we do need a few more volunteers in Houston to help and shop this Friday morning with me and Danielle, if you're interested, email me).
The applications were all due on Friday. All last week, they steadily came in. Wow. These families we're adopting are going more things than I could possible imagine. Like the family of a single mother with her five children barely able to meet the bare necessities (HFC paid to keep her lights on last month). A Christmas? Not going to happen for that family without us. How about the family whose child has been in the ICU for exactly two months as of today? The mom hasn't left her son's side and dad is only working sporadically while the other siblings are shuffled around. Of course, there is the family who adopted four children and then their biological child got diagnosed with cancer. Thanks to Hurrican Ike, the family's home has more than $35,000 worth of damage.
I'm truly humbled seeing what the families ask for. A family who has a 3 and a half year old with cancer, a 2 year old, and a baby merely asked for Hot wheels and tractors for the boys and diapers for the baby. Diapers. That's it. Of course, with a $1,000 per family to spend, we're going to make sure they have a great holiday. We'll get them diapers, diapers, and more diapers, and I suspect even more for the baby that might just be for fun too.
We shop for four days in the next two weeks in four different cities. It will take four staff members to help shop being that we have to be in different locations with our volunteers to pay for all the items (no, we don't need donations for the program. We are luckily blessed to be able to fully fund this program--volunteers simply help me shop, wrap, and deliver--not give monetarily). In December, we will give out the gifts. In Dallas and Ft. Worth, we're lucky enough to be able to throw parties for the families through the generosity of the Pi Phi's of SMU and a health honor society at TCU. One day, we will hopefully have a stronger presence in Houston to be able to do the same type of thing there as well. For now, we're glad to be able to do what we can there.
I know that in the next two weeks as I stand in line to shop for these families, I am once again going to be silently thanking my sweet Allie for bringing these families into my life and allowing me the opportunity to help them, even if it is just by finding a Wii to put under a Christmas tree this year.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
La Grande Fete
The Princess!
A brave knight protecting the princesses
Belle telling the sad story of how Cinderella was mistreated.
Belle and Maggie doing the princess pose (yes, that is costume number two, she had four costume changes last night)
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Working this to my advantage
Her: Does exactly what I say.
Me: "We need you to take a bath. Don't you want to be clean for BELLE?"
Her in the bathtub getting extra squeaky clean.
Oh yeah, I'm working this to my advantage today. The magic of Belle coming to our house? Good stuff.